Edinburgh Fringe

The biggest arts festival in the world.

Kent based theatre company Clair/Obscur, an anglicised version of Italian chiaroscuro that describes the…
“Gather round, people! hear ye! The jongleur is here! I am going to play a satire for you.
The chilling words of an advertisement, allegedly published in The Times by Shackleton to recruit men for his…
The Edinburgh Fringe can be a hard mistress/master. And after the initial exhilaration of the first week, the…
Although the legendary Poet Allen Ginsberg called the Beat Generation a “Boy Gang”, they were surrounded by…
Scotland's LGBT choir, Loud and Proud, gave us a performance of some fifteen songs, all adapted by the group…
One of the best things about performances at the Edinburgh Fringe, is that there is always something that…
In our sleep we dream, trying to escape, but every day we must wake to overcome anew - to take up our quest.
London’s camp cabaret quartet, Sex Shells is a shameless satirical show certain to have you screaming for…
Music of breath-taking beauty awaited us at Greyfriars Kirk for this afternoon recital of largely late…
When it’s the centre of your universe, doubting the existence of extra-terrestrial life can never be a good…
“If there’s one thing I am good at its running away”, pants young Arthur Robinson as he sprints off with a…
Tonight’s outstanding performance of Schutz’s ‘Resurrection History’ fell within St Vincent’s ‘Festival of…
My mother had one piece of advice for me when dealing with bullies, “Kill ‘em with kindness.” Bilal and my…
“It’s Oregon or bust!” This audience-interactive, campy musical The Trail to Oregon! brings to life the…
St Mary’s Cathedral provided us with some excellent music for this celebration of the Assumption, or the ‘…
This was the second in a series of lunchtime recitals in the Georgian setting of St Andrew’s and St George’s…
An utterly magnificent spectacle to behold, The 7 Fingers’ Réversible is a stunning dance, circus and theatre…
Welcomed to Camp Be Yourself with an over-excited “yass!” and ear to ear grins, Box. Theatre Company are here…
“Local man found dead in the town of Danderhall”. They are in the news regularly these days, not their faces…