Edinburgh Fringe

The biggest arts festival in the world.

On the day of his father’s funeral, Benedict receives a message from beyond the grave.
It is September 1938, and two boys from the Hitler Youth are billeted with Mrs Parrish as part of a Peace a
This performance would appease parents at a drama club showing but not as a Fringe Production.
In silent fear and trepidation, three new inmates are checked into the notorious Bethlem hospital.
A podcast is being recorded in a sound studio.
This lo-fi fable follows Otto, a twelve-year-old boy enamoured with Boudicca and 90s-era chatroom
It's always exciting when musicians join the dancers on stage, and, in this case, it was a brilliant succes
Once upon a time there lived a gray cat who liked to organise things and a flounder who liked to draw.
“Sunday afternoon .. put your feet up on the sofa and open the News of the World.
Anyone who follows the science of climate change closely is probably deep-down uneasy and quite possibly ho
“We know now that in the early years of the 20th century, this world was being watched closely by intel
In 1991, Maria Gruber, Irene Leidolf, Stephanija Meyer and Waltraud Wagner were convicted of murdering fort
Depicting unknown – and unrecognised – female code breakers in the US during WWII, Enigma looks up
A piece of feminist writing, this show is a slow starter that never quite seems to take off.
As the all-seeing gods watch over the epic struggle between the Greeks and the Trojans, three mortals will
There are many forms of dance and many different ways in which it can be performed – but to be successful i
Set not long before midnight of December 31, 1999, 00 looks at the fear that takes hold of people
A master class in the craft of storytelling, In Loyal Company is a glorious, life-affirming produc
Albert Einstein sits at his desk, eagerly anticipating his audience.
In three separate storylines, groups of people wait in dread for the knock on the door in the middle of the