
2019's Edinbrugh Fringe Best Newcomer nominee and your favourite self-aware stand-up returns with a show ab
For three nights only, the iconic Scottish comedian Fern Brady returned to the 2022 Edinburgh Fringe after
This year's winner of the prestigious Best Comedy Show at Dave Edinburgh Comedy Awards is off-the-wall, sta
After the pandemic lockdown worldwide, the current challenging, changing political climate and cost of livi
Teacher by day, buffoon ablaze by night Elf Lyons and her 2022 Edinburgh Fringe show, Raven, is an
This year’s Dave’s Funniest Joke of the Fringe award has been won for a second time by West Bromwich-born c
Collected and soft spoken Bilal is back at the Edinburgh Fringe with his latest hour of stand up: Care, all
If you've ever been even mildly curious about what a lifetime of undiagnosed and untreated ADHD looks like,
Alice Brine's Brinestorm is an hour of the most hyperactive/inattentive ADHD chaos you could envis
Faulty Towers The Dining Experience needs to come with a warning - there is a VERY good chance you will lau
An hour with 26 year old, New-Yorker Brandon Barrera is kind of like listening to a particularly talkative
Controversial comedian Jerry Sadowitz's has had his show cancelled at the Fringe after complaints from audi
Lee Brophy desperately needs you to know one thing: he is NOT a priest.
If you're wondering where the title "Thank God Fish Don't Have Hands" comes from, Marjole
Bursting with briny buffoonery and and high seas hilarity, Alasdair Beckett-King: Nevermore is a whimsical
Wacky Hannah Pilkes is on the verge and she’s taking us all with her.
A show that lives up to its name if there ever was one, An Irish Disgrace, is 50 minutes of jokes
Cordelia Butters is the conglomeration of every semi- famous female true crime podcaster and true detective
Take a tablespoon of sequins, a cup of humour, two cups of killer vocals, mix in a ton of comedy, and top w
Like running into your plain-spoken, eccentric friend that launches into her life story when you run into h