The Traverse Theatre announces a full programme of five works for Traverse 1 for Festival 2018 including…
This Easter weekend sees the return of the Edinburgh Passion Play that was first performed in Princes Street…
It may be approaching Spring, but Edinburgh still feels under the grip of Winter so thinking about a…
Lung Ha, Scotland’s leading theatre company for people with a learning disability, highlights the humour and…
A free, outdoor show by Scots electronic and acoustic composer Anna Meredith (see video below) and laser and…
A gut-busting play-within-a-play The Play That Went Wrong brings the lights up on The Cornley Polytechnic…
Careful - Mind Your Head. Or more importantly, mind theirs!
It’s eyes down and look in as two of Scotland’s renowned theatre companies, Grid Iron and Stellar Quines,…
Southern Light Opera Company, hailed by their president Jonathon Tait as the ‘mother of Edinburgh am-dram’,…
From Thursday 1 March, Scotland’s largest independent theatre organisation, Festival City Theatres Trust, is…
The Life Changes Trust, established in 2013 with a Lottery endowment to support improvements in the quality…
Wildfire Theatre has landed and they’re on a mission.
Ladies and gentlemen, roll up! Roll up! Come and witness as the Cirque Berserk troupe unpack all of the ‘Big…
A co-production from award winning Lothian based children’s theatre company Catherine Wheels and the National…
Lights flicker in a cosy, small town Irish pub. Eerie music plays so softly it plays tricks on your mind,…
If The Sound of Music is one of your favourite things, then this production is all the warm woollen mittens…
Hannah Cowley’s near forgotten 18th century feminine riposte to George Farquhar’s earlier play The Beaux’…
Mark Thomas has a long history of picking his way through a precarious path, with protest on one side and…
The unspeakable tragedy of losing a child lies at the heart of this Frank McGuinness’ 2012 monologue The…
“Chance rules my life” comments Amanda to Victor, on the first night of their honeymoon. “It was chance…