
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know!’ William Wilberforce
Kinky Boots is about to stride into town.
Still fresh from its UK debut in London this January, Quebec Company Cirque du Soleil hatch their production…
Peter Brook, often referred to as ‘our greatest living theatre director’, has a formidable reputation.
The winners and this year’s Scottish Arts Club Theatre Awards were announced on 20th August.
‘If the 20th century was about ideology, the 21st is about identity.’ Funded by the Wellcome Trust,…
The Edinburgh Fringe can be a hard mistress/master. And after the initial exhilaration of the first week, the…
London’s camp cabaret quartet, Sex Shells is a shameless satirical show certain to have you screaming for…
Akram Khan’s trust in the power of collaboration is significantly rewarded in a new piece of work, delivering…
As part of their residency at the 2018 Edinburgh International Festival (EIF), Paris company Théâtre des…
An utterly magnificent spectacle to behold, The 7 Fingers’ Réversible is a stunning dance, circus and theatre…
Welcomed to Camp Be Yourself with an over-excited “yass!” and ear to ear grins, Box. Theatre Company are here…
This year, London based master puppeteers, Blind Summit, bring their UK première of Henry: A Puppet Possessed…
A series of plays being performed at the Festival Fringe 2018 is the result of a creative initiative by BBC…
I couldn’t see in the dark. I panicked. It all happened so fast … I am a killer. I am conditioned to kill.
Neil Munro’s belovèd characters, who crew the Clyde puffer The Vital Spark, are deep in the psyche of Scots…
After seeing this exquisitely crafted, polished diamond of a play, you will surely wish to rush out to buy a…
The Promise opens in 1942 Russia, where three teenagers band together to survive the World War 2 siege in…
A Sockful of Custard is an affectionate tribute to troubled comic genius Spike Milligan which has a lot more…
Internationally renowned Berlin based physical theatre company Familie Flöz is back, not in full voice, (they…