Edinburgh Fringe

The biggest arts festival in the world.

The allusive, illusory nature of choreography depicts through gesture and movement, human emotions and the…
We are welcomed personally on board the Starship Osiris by George Vere. It’s very much his vessel as we are…
"In the fall of 1939, when I was 9 years-old, Adolph Hitler came to my neighbourhood. He didn’t come in…
Strange and familiar, perverted and liberating; it’s hard to know where to begin to describe Impermance’s…
The dark matter of dementia is tackled with great sensitivity and imagination by the young London based…
It is always good to get a perspective of otherwise forgotten women and their work and Bunker Girls offers a…
This new show, “Elsa" is based on the Open Mic format, where amateurs and professionals can try out songs,…
One lonely building in the heart of Scotland’s wilderness. Four lost souls with a shared history. Only one…
A recording of the actual voice of Donald Trump using the sexual words that he described as merely ‘Locker…
Challenging theme makes a point.
No flies on this Peter Pan, but plenty else to admire.
This is a story about stamina and triumph over adversity, and it starts with a self-proclaimed fabricated…
“What gets you hot?” - “What’s the best thing your body can do?” asks Ell Potter and Mary Higgins.
Imagine if the local pub had a glee club….and we’re in The Jungle, a makeshift pub on the big stage at…
Who gets to decide who lives and dies? “Nameless, faceless “gods” around a conference table?” asks Breakfast…
Outside the Omnitorium, Assembly’s latest venue at the back of George Square theatre a sign states ‘This…
Goody’s life is rubbish. A one summer job on the bins has lasted for 19 years, during which he has carried a…
Back in the golden days of cinema, for the price of one ticket. two films were shown back to back - the big…
Surrounded by vintage leather suitcases, higgledy-piggledy piles of papers and books, coats, umbrellas,…