Buildings and private gardens, many off-bounds to the general public during the rest of the year, throw open their doors, and gates for the annual Edinburgh Doors Open Weekend.
Some familiar buildings open unfamiliar parts of their building. Many have expert guides on hand to provide insights into the history and function of a building or monument.
There are too many buildings to list - above are just a few samples - but there's a great spectrum of architecture and destinations to head for: from historical to contemporary buildings, from Victorian gardens to high tech, interactive environments, from consulate to theatre.
Doors Open Day has taken place each year (pandemic excepted), since 1991, and over a whole weekend since 2009. Coordinated in Scotland by the Scottish Civic Trust in conjunction with local area co-ordinators, the weekend features free tours, activities, exhibitions and/or talks which bring the history or everyday use of a building to life.
Not all buildings are open both days and some may be ticketed so you should check the program for specific buildings opening times.