
Barely have face paints been smeared off guisers’ faces, the last bit of grimaced pumpkin flesh been…
Question: How do you fill 50 minutes with juggling and still maintain the interest of the audience? Answer:…
Returning with a two man show to this year’s fringe, Jesse Scott and Lachlan McAulay from Casus Circus bring…
This is no ordinary circus show, though acrobatics and a whole multitude of circus skills are the heart of…
The house was packed when I attended this very early in the run and it's not a surprise - this is a very…
Circolombia’s Acéléré is circus like you have never seen or heard before.
In a breathtaking, gravity-defying display of acrobatics, Circa explore what it is to be human.
Enter with caution and an open mind as your every move is under the magnifying glass at the mercy of the…
Meet Flip Fabrique, a group of graduates from the Quebec Circus School. What an introduction!
March 2017 sees the astounding Cirque du Soleil complete their first-ever UK arena tour of its signature…
Dolls: mini figures made for children to enhance their imagination and to play with life.
Ockham's Razor's aerial theatre brings circus into a whole new dimension with their new show, ‘Arc and Every…
Circa: Beyond delivers a fist-class performance on every level.
A fine balance of flair and farce makes Pants Down Circus: Rock, an hour of frolicking fun for all the family…
Baccalà Clown brings top of the range circus skills from Switzerland to Scotland.
In many ways, Jamie Adkins' solo act in Circus Incognitus could have been plucked from the screen of an early…
Sisterhood in all its forms is a confidently trod theatrical theme but “guy stuff"... ummm, well that’s…
Entering through the audience, dressed for a sunny day in the park, the cast of A Simple Space began playing…
There are two shows running by NoFit State Circus at this year’s Fringe: Bianco and Noodles.
Enter the silver spaceship that is NoFit State’s Big Top for their latest staggering spectacle of exacting…