The house was packed when I attended this very early in the run and it's not a surprise - this is a very special kind of show. The scene is an artist's garret or atelier. Half-finished paintings lie around the room, paint brushes and pots cover tables and a general air of disorganised chaos is everywhere. The lights dim and then the artist steps out from behind his easel where he has been working. It's physical comedy, delivered with a smile in a bizarre, but gentle world.
Thom Monckton's character is a charming eccentric with a number of challenges that he must get through during his day and all connected to painting and preparing to paint. The show inhabits a world of the absurd and ridiculous but does it with panache and style. There are echoes of Trygve Wakenshaw (Squidboy, Kraken, Nautilus) here in terms of the approach and style of humour employed.
The show has an enormously wide appeal, covering everybody from about 4 years old up to 100. Props and equipment play a big role; picture frames, step ladders, shelving, staple guns and a drip! Never has a drip been funnier.
Technical support is spot on with sound cues delivered perfectly on time. If I had any criticism it would be one section towards the end of the show where the artist paints a canvas in front of us - it takes too long and lacks sufficient engagement.
The show has a fine heritage coming from the stable that produced 'The Pianists' which has been performed more than 400 times all around the world. You're pretty much guaranteed a great time if you go and see this show.
Times: 1-13, 15-27 August, 16:20