It started with Adusters magazine's poster, inspired by the Arab Spring, suggesting that Americans Occupy Wall Street on 17th September. "Bring tent" said the poster. They did, in huge numbers. And they stayed. Surprising media commentators and the authorities, the movement continues to grow globally.
Today, many new Occupations are planned in cities around the world, including Edinburgh, Glasgow, and London.
The movement is leaderless, democratic, and has no affiliation with any political parties.
Occupy Edinburgh's Facebook page describes it as such:
"We are a people powered movement, protesting against the increasing social and economic injustice in this country, and the world. Our Government has ensured that the status quo is maintained and the people who caused the current situation continue to profit as they ensure the people of this country pay the price of a debt we did not create. The most vulnerable among us are the largest targets, with cuts to assistance, an NHS which is being decimated, and care packages scrapped.
What we have in common is that we want people over profit. We are making our voices heard against greed and corruption and for a just society.
And we are doing that in a non violent way.
What began in Wall Street, NYC has spread to other parts of the world. People are saying enough is enough. It is time to stand together and oppose the corruption, greed and fraud which has led us to this dreadful point in our nations and worlds history. And to hold those responsible to account for their own actions.
We are many, they are few.
Get involved, visit the page, and the group, offer suggestions and ideas, but most of all, commit to playing your part in the occupation. All you have to bring is yourself.
We are the 99%"