Andrew Pierce vs Kevin Maguire, Assembly Rooms, Review

Rating (out of 5)
Show info
Cahoots Theare Company Ltd
Christopher Hope (presenter)
Andrew Pierce (journalist), Kevin Maguire (journalist)
Running time

I always used to look forward to tuning in to the Sky News Press Preview, when Andrew and Kevin would be leading on a Wednesday night.

This lunchtime, we had a relished opportunity to see the old tensions – and friendships – brought together once more; the traditional interplay and banter was still as strong as ever.

An unexpected addition to the performance was Christopher Hope (Political Editor from GB News), who chaired the debate. He did a really good job of giving equal time and weight to both sides involved in the discussion – this particularly came out in the Q&A section with the audience towards the end of the performance.

Used to the intense sparring between the two journalists, it may have been a bit of a surprise to see the show beginning on a more personal and familial level. Andrew has just released his book “Finding Margaret”, documenting his search for his birth-mother – him having been first placed in an orphanage, and latterly adopted. The story of his upbringing, and then the eventual reunion and recognition was touching and meaningful.

The debate soon ratcheted up a few gears, and we were back to the good old familiar territory – for which these two are so well known. Nonetheless, it was interesting to be reminded that Kevin was previously a journalist for the Daily Telegraph, while Andrew’s first job was with the Daily Mirror. How things have changed!

There was a huge amount of ground covered – from Scottish independence, to the riots in England; the General Election result and the forthcoming Budget. Issues that were clearly important to the audience were unashamedly faced head-on: immigration, the winter Fuel Allowance, and VAT on private school fees.

This was a lively discussion – maybe more convivial than sometimes seen on the television – but the genuine sincerity and seriousness of the debate was still as impressive and engaging as ever. 

The event finished at 1.00pm

Andrew Pierce vs Kevin Maguire, Saturday 10th August, Assembly Rooms (Ballroom)