Edinburgh Fringe

The biggest arts festival in the world.

A sharp wee nugget set in the LA hills.
That is All You Need to Know celebrates the unsung war time code-breaking heroes of Bletchley Park and those…
If, like me, you are an admirer of the art form that is the ‘One Man show’, you will find few sharper than…
Spotlites at the Fringe specialises in interactive children’s shows for a variety of age groups.
Cheeky chappies Steven Worbey and Kevin Farrell whisked us on a rapid rollercoaster-ride of pianistic…
Bad Physics is a company committed to making theatre that puts the audience right at the heart of the drama.
Lie down and submit to a unique 15 minutes in this amazing space of changing colours and sounds.
It's exactly three years to the day (5th August) since the Chilean mining accident which trapped 33 miners 2,…
Autobiographical: “concerned with one's own life, based on, or dealing with one's own life history”
This December will be the 25th anniversary of the Lockerbie bombing and, a quarter of a century after the…
Two men in a bar are liable to start talking to one another, and football is often (supposedly) the medium…
There is a quote from Scottish writer Nan Shepherd that is carved in Makar’s Court in Edinburgh.
Having been a school pupil not entirely dissimilar to the mint green four walls of the detention room, it was…
The stage creates a celebrity’s dressing room: mannequins draped in a fur coat, pearls and lacy négligée…
David Fanshaw is dying and he's not happy about it, not one little bit. Death's travel agents are desperate…
Mercury nominated East London band making its Fringe debut and first performance in Scotland for almost three…
Much has happened since Donnie Munro ended his highly regarded role as Runrig front man but nothing has…
The young people of Youth Music Theatre Scotland produced a series of numbers and scenes to a high standard:…
Making News draws on the recent misfortunes of the BBC to present a rather gentle satire that verges toward…
Imagine you are in a theatre, there are rows of festoon lights above your head giving a carnival feel. There…