Bad Physics is a company committed to making theatre that puts the audience right at the heart of the drama. Their latest production, The Adventure, is an interactive, site-specific piece of theatre for young people that begins at the Pleasance Courtyard – but doesn’t end there!
Once everyone has gathered at the meeting point, they are led to a ‘secret’ location about 5 minutes away further up the hill. A rather grumpy man dressed smartly, but somewhat half-heartedly, like a Pierrot clown, greets the audience and groups them around him before beginning to tell the story of Noah’s Ark. His story-telling is soon dramatically interrupted and the ‘adventure’ proper begins.
Without giving too much of the plot away: a famous scientist has been abducted and his two children and their friend enlist the help of the storyteller - and the audience - to rescue him. The audience are lead on an exciting journey around the site, picking up and deciphering clues along the way.
There are locked rooms that require some detective work to uncover how to get in to – and out of – them; a little dressing up may be necessary to outwit possible crooks; some balloon-popping may be required to escape from a lunatic and there is, of course, a twist in the tale.
Taking audience interaction to a whole new level, the young people threw themselves into this show, not merely joining in but playing important roles and often taking the lead. From Scooby Doo to the Famous Five, children love imagining themselves as real-life detectives and their inner-Freds or –Thelmas were allowed full rein here.
This was brilliantly put together, from the planning through to the execution. It was funny, scary, intriguing, exhilarating and totally engaging. The cast of four were remarkable: managing to keep it real while improvising around the random, enthusiastic interaction of the audience-participants.
This is not suitable for those under 7 years and those under 16 must be accompanied by an adult, but this a must-see for any young person who prefers getting involved in the action to watching the parade pass by.
Runs 2-25 August (not Mondays), 11am, 2pm & 5pm
£12 (£9)