Edinburgh Fringe

The biggest arts festival in the world.

The music of John Dowland (1563 - 1626) is considered melancholic, as of the musical fashion at the time, and…
You’re no from around here are yeh? Waiting for the bus? Well here’s a story while we wait.
Although listed under Theatre and described as an “electrifying cabaret play,” there’s little sense of…
Chalked hair, heavily applied lip liner wrinkles and a distinct lack of weary joints, Z Theatre Company’s…
Enter with caution and an open mind as your every move is under the magnifying glass at the mercy of the…
The notion of pursuing Fleance, the son of Banquo, off the stage and out of Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ is an…
Vitality runs as a strong current through this piece. Chess Dillon-Reams and Cristina MacKerron have devised…
‘Greater Belfast’ is an evocation in sound, both musical and vocal, of the estrangement and affection a city…
In the latest production from physical theatre specialists Theatre Ad Infinitum, sometimes it is hard to tell…
‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’ says the 17th century aphorism.
It is no secret that each year I particularly look forward to Japanese-born Akiko Okamoto's piano recital.…
It was good to be at the first Fringe performance of two American musicians who had flown in to Edinburgh…
PCA bring a brand new musical to the Fringe, and it is as good as it sounds.
If you’re expecting a Dickens, don’t. This may bear its name and follow its plot, but Blood for Blood is…
What happens when you put the Macbeths, Richard III and Juliet Capulet into a psychiatrist’s chair? Dr Bard…
‘Emerald Diaries’, or Mrs Dooley’s Girls might be an alternative title, contains a heady mixture of dance,…
The only way was Essex, even back in the sixties when the women of Ford Dagenham not only took on the…
The Fringe 2016 is nearly a week old.
"Am I still so evil after so long?", asks Rudolf Hess, the solitary last inmate of Spandau prison.
Clean sweep as Norfolk Youth Theatre step up the musical ladder to present Benjamin Britten’s opera about a…