Edinburgh Fringe

The biggest arts festival in the world.

The sound is deafening as an Edinburgh-bound train rolls loudly across the Forth Rail Bridge.
We all struggle with internal conflicts, we all move to the edge of the emotional abyss from time to time.
Despite huge expectations due to Circa’s formidable reputation, their latest show, Closer, still manages to…
It’s not raining. I can’t believe it’s not raining.
As the swimwear clad cast back crawl across the stage to the beach we find ourselves on strange new shores.
There was a time when a troll was something associated with the Norwegian folk tale The Three Billy Goats…
An invitation to experience your ‘inner cinema’ is thrown to the audience at the start of the joint Danish -…
‘Why are we given so much life?’ asks Willy Russell’s Shirley Valentine. ‘The Lounge’ poses the same question…
At the Fringe 2015, I was tickled pink by Buckle Up, a brilliantly devised, farcical play about the crazy…
‘Adler and Gibb’ seems a departure from Tim Crouch’s previous work.
As titles go this takes the cake. (It’s a mathematics mnemonic.) We are in American high school territory.
Imagine waking up one morning and discovering you’re a puppet! Well, that’s what happens in this brilliant…
Red hot Carmen raises the temperature in George Street. The high school setting for Carmen plus just sizzles…
‘Erik Satie’s Faction’ slightly misleads, since Alasdair McGowan is never less (nor more) than the man…
Dark Heart by name, but the quality of new writing shines through a young American cast.
Standing centre stage, Clair Whitefield, wearing a simple red T shirt and loose blue trousers, begins to tell…
Surrounded by projections of seascapes with bobbing Stornoway fishing boats we are brought to a place – a…
How do you reconcile the love of your family with what they do for a living? That’s the circle that Scottish…
It's a dystopian view of a world that restricts and constricts people, pushing and hedging them into false…