Edinburgh Fringe

The biggest arts festival in the world.

If you have ever felt pressured and under appreciated in your place of work, at least you aren’t a part of…
Australian actor, musician and singer, Michael Griffiths is certainly a versatile entertainer.
High above the streets of Paris there is a place of angels and gargoyles.
Elsa Jean returns to the Fringe with a wonderful collection of folk music to launch her new album, Lassie…
In a crowded night-club, Alice is struggling to find a place to dance; the floor is packed with strangely…
Fairytales and folklore will never lose their charm and with adaptations like Red Bonnet Productions they are…
It’s a good thing the title specifies ‘abridged’ – as we are told almost immediately, the ‘original’ script…
This performance focuses on the island of Fiji and the aftermath of Cyclone Winston, the biggest cyclone they…
Blue smoke and green lights pervade the stage area as the seats fill up for The Pleasance Opening Gala. The…
After sell out shows in 2015, Familie Flöz return with another epic performance.
Whatever way you think this production will go, at some point you will be surprised.
Oscar Wilde wrote two things while serving his two year imprisonment after being convicted of gross indecency…
Cheap as chips. It’s a throwaway remark even though a fish supper these days can cost as much as a set lunch…
Immortalised by a franchise whose comedy is an iconic staple of British culture, the life and strife of the…
Found, quite literally underground, beneath the excitable streets of Edinburgh, the Trainspotting cast are…
The dance explores our cultural and historical association with wine. It's an interesting pivot around which…
Enter, join the characters around the large refectory table and prepare to be changed, as together we learn…
Clothes may make the man, but naked people have little influence and when everyone can see you in your…
To cheat or not to cheat? That is the question posed in this latest brain teasing show with the wonderful…
Our fascination with crime, from true murder cases to thrilling TV series such as Law and Order, The Wire,…