Edinburgh Fringe

The biggest arts festival in the world.

What really is the truth? What happens when we believe something that others might think is 'crazy'?
I saw this show on the penultimate day of its Fringe run and whilst this review may not help their attendance…
Theatre Movement Bazaar has enjoyed critical success at the Edinburgh Fringe over recent years with inventive…
The human design has flaws. Hearts break, memory fades, bodies fail and ultimately nothing lasts infinitely.
An exposé of excess that is high on salaciousness but low on sympathy.
Smoking Apples and Dogfish, two companies expert in the skills of puppetry and visual theatre, have come…
Shakespeare has been famed for many of his universally complex male characters such as Richard III, Hamlet…
When actor and antiquarian book dealer Neil Pearson unearthed the 20 recordings missing from an archive of…
The theft of the most famous painting in the world on August 21st, 1911 created a media sensation.
Drummers are often in the background of great bands: less famous than their band mates while keeping the band…
Dolls: mini figures made for children to enhance their imagination and to play with life.
This is a fairytale of globalisation, corporate greed and of coming to terms with reality in a world gone mad…
This was a fascinating recital, predominantly based on the works of Alfred Hollins, and also his…
“Foolish man! Foolish foolish man! What I could have said was...What I should have said was...Why didn’t I…
Òran Mór brings their weel kent Summer Panto to the Fringe. Oh yes they did! And full of bright, brash…
To walk a mile in someone’s shoes is one thing but to share someone else’s skin is quite another.
Birdsong and the sounds of the river accompany two sisters adrift from the modern world.
Welcome to the Hotel Paradiso!
Peppermint Muse is a theatre company staging classic adaptations and exciting new work.
Midway through the Fringe it takes a very special show to hold attention for a full 100 minutes at a late…