What happens when you put the Macbeths, Richard III and Juliet Capulet into a psychiatrist’s chair? Dr Bard will see you now.
The concept; William Bard is not a playwright, but a psychologist, and his patients have the most disturbing tendencies. While the Macbeths argue whether the ink blot test shows daggers or blood, Richard’s new hobby does not seem to be taking his mind off murder.
Puck appears to make mischief, Bottom is a highly sensitive ac-tor with a caffeine addiction and there’s nothing wrong with Juliet – it’s society that’s messed up.
This is a wonderful romp into Shakespeare founded comedy. There are some clever bits of scripting and use of props; Lady Macbeth’s hand sanitiser and Richard’s magazine featuring Prince George.
Some jokes are hit and miss, but most are solid bull's-eyes with some brilliantly funny digs at Shakespearean characters that will give any fan a giggle.
Perhaps the highlight is an absolutely spot-on appearance from Hamlet, whose indecision goes as far as whether to use pen or pencil to fill in his form.
All is overseen by Dr Bard’s receptionist, Olivia whose long suffering quips suggest she gets clients like these all the time. A weak point is when they try to encourage Dr Bard to write plays about his patients; although obvious why this is included, it doesn’t quite fit with the tone of the piece.
All in all, this play is innocent and shallow fun and a good laugh for any fans of Shakespeare.
Times: 6-20 August (not 14), 12.40pm
Tickets: £8 (£7)