Horseplay often leads to people getting hurt. In the case of ‘Horseplay the Troy musical’ it is probably only the feelings and professional pride of the participants that will feel the pain in a production that does not seem to work.
The positives are that the music is excellent and the singing is good, as is the choreography.
Taking a legendary tale and turning it into a mixture of comedy and drama leaves the audience confused as to the purpose of the show. With some characters drawing from the Ministry of Silly Voices not Walks and a level of comedy reminiscent of a play I was involved in during second year at High School I think that this production needed a ‘critical friend’ to help the group go back to the drawing board.
Napier University Drama Society, from the city, have put together a big cast and produced one of the few quality programmes that I have seen at this year’s Fringe. From social media it appears that they have had a great time bringing the production together. But this is not just an in-house show for family, fellow students and friends. It is being marketed to a wide range of visitors from all over the world.
The group is a bit unfortunate with the timing of a ‘Blind Date’ scene which could not have been foreseen but coming after the opening ‘jokes’ there was the uncomfortable feeling that this could be a long hour.
While I can empathise with people who are short-sighted, cast members wearing glasses did not look right, and the use of plastic chairs was a staging saving too far.
In summary, the music is fine, some of the performances were good, particularly the goddesses, but the vehicle needs a major overhaul.
Runs to 22nd August, 7.35pm.