
Four-day annual trade show for those involved in the farming, food, and countryside sectors, with broad range…
 Edinburgh Open Workshop joins forces with Earth in Common for charity Makers Market
The Edinburgh International Science Festival (EISF) launch
Founded in 1988, the Edinburgh Science Festival brings together a programme of around 270 educational and…
The Edinburgh Science Festival returns in a month with aroun
Leith Theatre will host a month-long “Resonancy” of events with upcycled 
BoxedIn Theatre Company set themselves the goal of building a pop-up theatre using only reusable materials.…
Climate change will have a huge impact on health, via heat exposure and changes in distribution of vector-…
InnovationNation, a year long series of public lectures, will launch on Wednesday 18th February 2015 with…
Council funds of up to £2,500 are being made available for green initiatives in the local community through…
The Edinburgh International Science Festival marks 25 years, from 23rd March, with two weeks of events that…
The first Edinburgh Jack & Jill Market of the year comes to Meadowbank Stadium on Sunday 17th February.
The Edinburgh Fashion Swap is the idea of 25-year-old Jema MacGregor, a young Scottish entrepreneur, who…
Edinburgh's Lord Provost was presented with a commemorative table hand-made by the Scottish Furniture Makers…
The deadline for Edinburgh City Council's Waste Action Grants, worth up up to £2,500, is drawing close.
Wheelie bins will be collected in Edinburgh every fortnight instead of every week from September as a measure…
The Waste Education Cabin at Seafield Community Recycling Centre will be open from 11am to 3pm on Monday 17…
According to the Marine Conservation Society, Scotland had the highest average litter levels in the UK of…
Enjoy a day out with the kids at our Education Cabin and:
The Scotland Food & Drink Theatre at the Royal Highland Show will stage nine demonstration sessions daily…