Physical Theatre

Performed in the round, Death by Shakespeare is, as the name suggests, a look at several of Shakespeare’s b
The opening and closing events of the Edinburgh Internat
“Gather round, people! hear ye! The jongleur is here! I am going to play a satire for you.
In our sleep we dream, trying to escape, but every day we must wake to overcome anew - to take up our quest.
Stretching out in front of a parka clad and beanie hatted figure is a table-top wintry landscape, dotted with…
Got nowhere to run to, baby, nowhere to hide It's not love, I'm a running from …
“How about we try again today?” Anna’s doctor cajoles as she stands before an artist’s easel. There is…
As the storm-tossed ship dances on the waves the yellow oilskinned sailors fight for balance in graceful slow…
When a hooded man is hanged for a three-fold murder, this is not the end of the story but its beginning.
From a small tent a back-lit figure emerges into the cold.
With two sheets, toy swords, one chair and a large chest, Tooth and Nail take you on a trip around the world…
With a successful 2016 fringe show under their belts, Theatre Paradok make a triumphant return with a show…
Hungering is not what it used to be. Time was when a hunger artist at the top of his game could earn a very…
“I wanna be a man, mancub And stroll right into town And be just like the other men …”
Dad sits alone next to a long line of hanging garments. His daughter enters and reminds him that they will…
ZOO Sanctuary is a fitting venue for this Biblical physical theatre piece about the original murder.
Cast your eyes back to the dawn of time, all around there is nothing, just an empty universe.
James Thiérrée, acrobat, clown, actor, illusionist, musician, has pockets bursting at the seams with artistic…
For one Second World War veteran the launch of Operation Desert Storm is about to unleash a whirlwind of…
Two women talk in semi-darkness in whispered tones.