Edinburgh Comedy Festival

Edinburgh Comedy Festival

On first reading, you might have passed it off as a weak April Fool’s joke.
The best thing about the Fringe is the people.
The Fringe is a chaotic and frenetic beast. I’ve worked every day since the 25th of July – some days less…
The Fringe 2016 is nearly a week old.
Once more, the comedy industry has run its annual knockout contest for the crown of best comic at the…
Bridget Christie in her show A Bic for Her picked up the top Comedy award 2013.
See Scotland's six best breakthrough stand-ups perform to become the Scotland winner, which ensures a…
This New York newcomer's show Misspelled is a definite single-topic solo show. His comedy revolves around his…
Adam Riches is the winner of the prestigious Foster's Best Comedy Show 2011, it was announced at 2.30pm today…
Once in a while, you see a comedian who is so perfectly suited to performance, channelling such pure talent,…
After having seen the glamorous trio that is Fascinating Aïda, I have to wonder how it has taken me so long…
Josie Long has been bringing quality stand-up to the Fringe for the last three or four years, winning the if…
Familiar to anyone who has ever seen the Police Academy movies, Michael Winslow's run at this year's Fringe…
So here we are again its 2011 and the comedy shortlist has arrived.
Holmes and Watson have never been more energetic than with Max and Ivan filling their Victorian boots. You…
We're around about the half-way mark of the Edinburgh Fringe (if you include preview dates), and I thought it…
It’s difficult to review a show when you can barely see from tears of laughter. BBC favourites Idiots of Ants…
You are either with him or against him, but be warned that if you are with him he’ll undoubtedly put you in…
In the blurb on his Edinburgh Fringe page, John Robins' show is described as "a show about stars, suitable…
To use an old sports commentating cliché, Australian Benny Boot's show is one of two halves.