A shrewd modern take on a classic fairytale straight from Angela Carter – Twisted Tales take on The Company of Wolves in an exciting new adaptation.
This is the story of Little Red Riding Hood unlike the one you may know. It is not just wolves that you should fear but every predator that preys on young girls. This production is a marriage of classic fairytale, modern cautionary tale and the werewolf myth, featuring several dangerous men and even more dangerous shape shifters.
The interchange of human hunter and wolf hunter is cleverly done as Granny tells Rosaleen stories of wolves and their disguises. After several anecdotes, Rosaleen assures her mother that she is not afraid of wolves and goes out alone. She meets a charming man on the way, but things are not all as they seem when she arrives at Granny’s.
This is an enticing production cleverly staged with some wonderfully fresh ideas. There is a physical theatre element to the performance which brings it to life with very few props. The motorbike in the first story is particularly clever and works excellently with the aesthetic of the predator of that tale. Alex Britt deserves a mention, playing various predators with great conviction.
A fantastic telling of a classic tale, and a great performance to watch.
Times: 8-12 August, 12.35
Tickets: £5 (£3)