At the end of this performance, a number of the audience were on their feet accompanied by loud applause and whoops of delight from others. During the show there was loud laughter and even applause at the end of some lines. I write this in the interest of balance because I did not really get this piece.
It starts as a parody of a Broadway show and is quite funny and quirky but for me it was all downhill after that.
It’s about two gay men, Hunter and Jeff, who decide to submit a musical for a competition in three weeks’ time. They involve friends Heidi and Susan and the show is a series of scenes leading to the competition and the aftermath.
There are a number of reasonable songs and the cast are good singers, but the humour seemed to me juvenile with gratuitous sexual references and bad language. The show in my opinion is for Adults 18-30 and reminded me of the sequels to the film ‘American Pie. The ending could not come quick enough for me and the show concluded in a haphazard way that was symptomatic of the whole show.
It played to a full house and, as they say, it was generally well received.
Runs to Saturday 22 August, 4.30pm