This motivational musical for the middle-aged follows the story of fictional Kitty Adler which, by her own admission, has a fair bit of Kerry Miller's life experience informing the piece.
A short, one-woman show, it tells the story of a woman who has always had dreams, but for whom life has a way of getting in the way, whether it be a need to earn, marriage and children, or just being too busy (though not too busy for theatre classes).
In her quiet times, she would think about the dream, but there always was something else. After becoming an empty nester and a divorcee around about the same time, she threw herself into community theatre, sending off submissions of her work. The story of unfulfilled passions must ring true with so many people. In Blood Brothers the narrator says 'There's a girl inside the woman' and most of us wish we had done something more fulfilling.
The show has lot of pleasant songs, delivered so you can hear the clever lyrics and it is a quick 40 minutes. The only thing that got to me was Kerry's pacing the stage while in a dilemma. It worked once, even twice, but the performance needs variety.
Kitty has reached the Edinburgh Fringe. Who needs Broadway?
Runs til 29 August (not Sundays), 6.10pm