‘Drink the Musical’ is written and directed by Claire Bee and brings together a group of kids and a large group of older adults including some from Jericho House in Dundee (a rehabilitation Unit) who contributed to content of the script. This type of health education in the ‘Wildcat Theatre’ tradition is so much more effective than the moralising by those in the business of warning the population about the dangers of drink.
The show covers a number of situations from the respectable who hide the problem to the group of outdoor drinkers that most people would body swerve in the street. The point that ‘it could be you’ is well made and the piece involves flashbacks to the 70’s when some of the older group were growing up wondering how to meet their pin-up rather than where the next drink is coming from. The storyline about the impact on family life also hits home.
It is a musical, and the music is generally very good with pointed lyrics set to a good melody.
Occasionally the vocals do not quite match the material and maybe a bit more work is required.
Writing and directing is a big ask and while the big numbers are well-handled and the adults are credible characters, a second opinion on the use of the young group when they are on their own might be helpful. I liked the creative use of the newspaper vendor and the busker.
With a large cast including some young children you are likely to get a variable standard and a larger venue might get the best out of the show.
Having said that, it was great to see such a broad age group appearing for the first-time at the Fringe and maybe this show would make a valuable contribution to the high school curriculum.
The message is ‘Be all you can be’ and the journey from Tayside to Edinburgh was a trip worth making even for just four performances.
Runs til 16 August, 1.50pm