Acts of Redemption is a series of six monologues written by Ken Jaworowski where each individual attempts to redeem, through musings, incidents that have happened in their lives – some more traumatic than others.
Each encounter is quite varied. An attractive girl has an opportunity to contemplate her vacuous, comfortable existence: ‘Never smile. Never Wave’ - Akila Cristiano gave an apt portrayal of this individual.
‘Pulse’, a trilogy, deals with a selection of personal, poignant agonies encountered by individuals and was performed passionately by James Huntington, Dan Lees and Amee Smith.
‘Luck of the Draw’, with Rachel Parris, is full of humour as is the unexpected ending in ‘Timberwood Drive’ performed by Joe Wreddon.
It’s a clever idea focusing on an individual’s self-analysis of particular events in their lives and with slick scripts, incorporating astute observations. An enjoyable, captivating show.
Til 30 August (not 18), 3.20pm. £9.50/£10.50 (concessions £8.50/£9.50.