Ringside Review

Edinburgh Festival review
Rating (out of 5)
Show info
Mem Morrison and British Council Showcase
Mem Morrison (writer, director and concept), Andy Pink (sound score), Judy Gordon (Assistant director), Matt Spencer (production manager), David Barnett (film editor), Stefi Orazi (design), THreadneedle man(suit design), Rose Fieber (project assistant and stage manager), Steph Allen for Artsadmin (producer)
Mem Morrison, Natalie Clark, Verity Combe, Elaine Farris, Esther Fowler, Jennifer Greenstead, Megan McCutcheon, Jennifer O’Neil, Hana Tait, Sheila Thomson
Running time

It is usual in a review to give a synopsis of the performance and some detail of the show, but in order not to spoil the many surprises of the spectacular Ringside, it seems best to say as little as possible beyond what is already in the programme.

Potential audience members are told that they are to act as guests at a Turkish-Cypriot wedding in this elaborate site specific performance in the elegant Signet Library. The audience is involved, but more in a surprising than embarrassing way. Traditional wedding rituals are followed and the show has been planned like a real wedding.

At first this seems familiar then it starts to feel intriguing and strange. (The props are astounding!) Convention dictates that the bride is the centre of proceedings but although there are nine women and one man in this show, it is male centred. It has the voice and perspective of the male. All the women are active but silent.

Using dance, mime and technology, this is a carefully designed and highly personal happening by the award-winning writer-performer Mem Morrison. He is accompanied by nine local women for this show who fully embraced their role in this unique and extraordinary event that has to be seen to be believed.

Times: ended 28 August, 2009