It’s always good to watch theatre companies taking an ambitious turn, and they can hardly come more ambitious…
In the early 1960s, it was an inspired idea to adapt the stage play, “I am a Camera” based on Goodbye to…
The Lion King takes the theatrical experience to a higher level. It's visually stunning.
You should not peep at Goblin men...
Every day Goblin sits on his rock in his forest. Sometimes the other…
Ginger Rogers famously danced backwards in high heels. In this new play, two women learn to dance together…
A sartorially splendid spectrum of sexuality greets as The Gates is entered. There is a real sense of being…
From the band that made “the nuttiest sound around”, a pretty nutty musical has been inspired.
Polish writer Lidia Amejko’s The Lives of the High-Rise Saints (an intriguing take on Butler’s classic 18th…
In Time o’ Strife strikes a strong red note in this latest production from the National Theatre of Scotland.
The opening moments of ‘The Idiot at the Wall’ promise well; a pleasing burst of traditional tunes welcomes…
In 2002, aged 18, Joe from Stockport took a six week trip to Uganda during his gap-year.
‘Fear not, till Birnam Wood do come to Dunsinane’ quotes Shakespeare’s Macbeth, recounting the prophecy that…
Set in Tsarist Russia in 1905, this perennially popular musical is based on a collection of folk tales, “…
The realms of art and science, often seen as representing opposite ends of the continuum of human endeavour,…
Strictly sensational ‘Seven Brides for Seven Brothers’ was a surprise hit at the Edinburgh Playhouse.
Global bestselling crime writer Ian Rankin has received the highest international accolades including the…
Catherine Wheels’ rescuing of a story of two brave young girls’ survival of peril on the sea captures the…
Debt is a dirty word. Debt collection is a dirty business.
The Edinburgh International Festival comes to an end tonight with up to a quarter of a million people…
The Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society was celebrating a record year at the box office as it drew to a close…