‘It’s time to say goodnight and it’s time to close your eyes. Let’s put out the light till the dawn breaks…
Het Filiaal theatermakers from Utrecht present Falling Dreams, a performance that mixes narrative with music…
Originally staged over 55 years ago, the stirring dissection of dysfunctional relationships and the…
Today at Out of the Blue Drill Hall in Leith Made in Scotland announced its programme of music, theatre and…
A stage almost as bare as a post-reformation kirk greets the audience for ‘Glory on Earth’, while a version…
Theatre maker Mark Murphy is known for his large- scale work in Scotland from being part of Glasgow’s time as…
Emerging theatre company Blazing Hyena is new but mighty.
Edinburgh College’s Performing Arts Studio Scotland brings their showcase for graduate actors to the Traverse…
Today sees the announcement of the 2017 Critics’ Awards for Theatre in Scotland (CATS) Awards with Edinburgh’…
Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Mr Fox is full of fun with a simple, cheery message for children that adults would do…
Charlotte Brontë’s mid Victorian Gothic novel set in her native Yorkshire created a storm in its time.
Celebrated Scottish photographer John G Moore has been commissioned by The National Theatre of Scotland (NTS…
Online dating provides even the shyest of wall flowers an opportunity to abandon their usual social…
For this very special 2017 anniversary, Summerhall, Edinburgh’s acclaimed and award-winning multi-arts venue…
There’s always that moment for the seasoned theatre-goer when you know it’s verbatim theatre and there’s a…
King’s Cross ain’t what it used to be.
Matthew Bourne’s The Red Shoes marks the 30th anniversary of his ballet company New Adventures and is a…
There was a time when the performance of a Gilbert and Sullivan’s operettas was de rigeur at the end of term.
Art galleries are places of hush and reverence, like libraries used to be (remember that?).
Once upon a time there was a man called Charlie whose surname had been so difficult to pronounce that it…