
Edinburgh and related media

The Edinburgh International Book Festival has u
In 1947, Rudolf Bing, a refugee from nazi Germany, co-founded the Edinburgh International Festival.
After Covid-19 struck in 2020, the Edinburgh Internati
Irish-American actress and four-time Oscar nominee Saoirse Ronan, Scots actor Bill Paterson and Outlander's
This year’s Edinburgh’s Hogmanay celebrations and the midnight fireworks will be
Edinburgh Castle has won “Best Heritage Attraction” at the British Travel Awards for a fifth time. 
Seven out of the twelve gigs in Edinburgh International Fe
The 2019 Edinburgh International Book Festival launched the “most international programme in its history”…
A public art exhibition with a Christmas theme that dips into the Scottish archives to create Edinburgh’s…
Alan Taylor has a long history as a journalist with The Scotsman, where he rose to be the deputy and then…
BBC Radio 4's popular gardening programme Gardener's Question Time will be recording its next show at the…
The artists, makers and craftspeople of St Margaret’s House are opening their studios to the public for a…
Polls are open from 7am til 10pm throughout the day on what is likely to be the most important vote that…
Edinburgh Zoo’s female giant panda Tian Tian, also known as Sweetie, has been voted the "favourite panda…
On Saturday 30th March, the University of Edinburgh Canoe Club is thrilled to welcome Olaf Obsommer,…
John McCarthy was introduced by Allan Little for this inaugural Frederick Hood Memorial Lecture.  It was also…
Peter Gutteridge took the stage alone to introduce Jeremy Vine who then bounded on to the platform from the…
Elisabeth Murdoch gives the first James MacTaggart Lecture by a woman in 17 years.
Those wanting to enjoy all the celebrations for next Friday's Olympic Games opening may need the planning of…
So the skirl of bagpipes will still be heard above the burr of city traffic in downtown Vancouver. After a…