Climate change

The 2019 Edinburgh International Book Festival launched the “most international programme in its history”…
Climate change will have a huge impact on health, via heat exposure and changes in distribution of vector-…
When looking for signs of global warming, the melting of the world’s glaciers and ice sheets is often cited…
Theoretical physicist and broadcaster Prof Jim Al-Khalili is in conversation about his debut novel, Sunfall,…
Christiana Figueres last night received the prestigious Edinburgh Medal at the Signet Library in Edinburgh…
In the sphere of climate change, 19th century Irish physicist John Tyndall (1820-1893) is a giant.
Glaciers lock up 10% of the world's freshwater. These great bodies of ice play an important part in the Earth…
We all rely on the seas for their abundant food, mineral and energy resources and yet more than 90% of the…
One of the events around climate change at the Edinburgh Science Festival (6-21 April) takes as its starting…
Malthus was right. There is not enough planet to sustain the growing human population, particularly given our…
As part of the IPCC week, the Royal Society of Edinburgh hosts a free interactive panel session on women in…
The oceans offer the potential for huge amounts of clean energy and Scotland and the UK are poised to be a…
A panel of experts will discuss ways in which the world might wean itself off fossil fuels in time to avert…
Hosted at Edinburgh Centre For Carbon Innovation's low carbon hub hosts, the Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas…
The Edinburgh Medal is a prestigious award given each year to men and women of science and technology who are…
This is a rare chance to hear from an array of global climate experts, who are here in Edinburgh for a…
Edinburgh Castle turns green before going black, and landmarks across
A free, outdoor photographic exhibition showing humankind's impact on our planet opened today outside the…
Edinburgh City Council has given the green light for a plan to build 66 on-street EV charging points in 14…
Energy efficient LED street lights will be rolled out across Edinburgh from later this month.