Climate change

Edinburgh and Glasgow councils today launched a campaign to have the UK High Speed Rail project extended to…
The 10:10 campaign is a global, grassroots campaign, launched last year, with the aim of raising awareness…
Prince Charles launched his START initiative tour, aimed at encouraging people to lead more sustainable lives…
Will Self was all alone on the stage at the Edinburgh Book Festival’s main venue, with a bitterly cold…
Network Rail completed track laying on the new 24km stretch of railway between Airdrie and Bathgate today,…
This year's theme "Biodiversity and Development" is a thorny one considering that the biggest…
Every four years or so forestry experts from the Commonwealth's 54 independent states gather together to…
The Edinburgh International Festival strikes the tone of this year's cultural feast with a quotation from…
This year’s International Science Festival (3-17 April) will include 46 events at the Royal Botanic…
The University of Edinburgh returns to the Edinburgh Science Festival with free events, workshops and shows…
Talk by Patrick Holden, a part-time farmer, who has been involved in the organic movement since 1973.
The City of Edinburgh Council has become the 100th Council to sign up to the 10:10 Climate Change campaign.…
Rail journey times between Edinburgh and Glasgow via Shotts will be slashed by up to 33 minutes when a new…
A new scottish history web site developed for pupils, teachers and the general public is now up and running.
World leaders meet in Copenhagen in December to agree on a climate action plan to replace the Kyoto Protocol…
A new study outlines a vision of a UK High Speed Rail network that would cut journey times between Edinburgh…
An Edinburgh school has beaten off competition from around the United Kingdom to be shortlisted for a top…
Join climate campaigners from across Scotland in Edinburgh to learn about the UN climate talks taking place…
The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) has recommended 41 Scottish bathing beaches for excellent water quality…
Free seed packs will be handed out at many of the events being held in and around Edinburgh, the Lothians and…