
Theatre at the <a href="/events/edinburghfringe">Edinburgh Fringe</a> and <a href="/events/eif">Edinburgh International Festival</a>.

Every Brilliant Thing is a warm and inclusive production that surprisingly brightens the spirits while…
Apophenia: the tendency to perceive a connection or meaningful pattern between unrelated or random things -…
Finnish composer Sibelius held the province of Karelia in particular affection, inspired by its traditional…
Picasso is attributed with the saying “Good artists copy, great artists steal”.
Justin Butcher’s tale of Scaramouche Jones is one hell of a story and he tells it masterfully.
Set in rural Ireland The Matchmaker is a comedy revolving around Dicky Mick Dick O’Connor’s business of…
“At the end, all that's left of you are your possessions. Perhaps that's why I've never been able to throw…
‘The 3rd Sector’ promises well; the actuality, after all, is, in these challenging times, deserving of some…
"The Cosmists were a peculiarly Russian group: they were all very Russian, and they were also, frankly,…
I AM is a challenging piece that is more to be endured than enjoyed, but if you push on through, you may…
For the fourth year running, the Scottish Arts Club - Scottish Theatre Fringe Award is…
Jamie Griffiths tour through the arcane world of CDSs (credit default swaps) and CDOs (credit default…
Eating is a social occasion in China, food is prepared in a way that is specifically for sharing. Here we…
War –What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!
Quentin Crisp was a one-off, a complete original, and Mark Farrelly’s superb tribute cunningly captures Crisp…
The play is centred in the lobby of a grand hotel in Ostend.
“To the woman on the Thursday morning service to St. Pancras, you had ginger hair, Aztec print dress and a…
James II: Day of The Innocents, the second of Rona Munro’s historical trilogy, is a gripping tale of trauma,…
It’s just another day at the dystopian office of Peace of Mind HQ for Agent Petros - or it would be except…
Theresienstadt was the name given to a small fortress town that became the Czechoslovakian ghetto north of…