Edinburgh Fringe

The biggest arts festival in the world.

Shakespeare at the Fringe can tend to be a rather odd affair. In the dark, upside down, backwards in a bunny…
So here we are again its 2011 and the comedy shortlist has arrived.
It's rare that you see a genuinely natural comedic partnership - often double-acts are simply thrown together…
Lesley Evans uses her experience of medical role-play (an actor employed to help doctor’s deal with terminal…
There is always a moment of trepidation before attending a free show in Edinburgh during August.
Presentation and Party to celebrate the first Fringe Award by the Scottish Arts Club and EdinburghGuide.com…
One Thousand Paper Cranes wins our new award for Scottish theatre at the Fringe.
It is one minute to midnight at the Fringe.
Back to the drawing board for another Scottish/Spanish collaboration.
1927 first appeared in our Fringe brochures four years ago, with their incredible debut Between the Devil and…
It is easy to tell that a group of players are entirely comfortable and practised with one another. This…
Jayson Gilham was born in Queensland in Australia and initially studied at the Queensland Conservatorium…
Revolting Rhymes is a rip-roaring, mad-cap hour of hilarity, silliness and mayhem that kids from about 5…
Theatre Uncut is the brainchild of Hannah Price, artistic director of Reclaim Productions Ltd, who, when the…
You look forward to it all year – the most vibrant, beautiful city in the world becomes a vast jungle of…
Tempo deserve earthly rewards for producing musical heaven in this five star show. From the inception with…
This Pollyanna will definitely leave you feeling glad all over. It may be the central theme of the novel of…
Lady Garden have returned with their fourth Edinburgh show, serving up yet more absurd delights.
Tim and Light is a tale about the nature of true friendship.
The Perils of Love and Gravity is a humorous love-story-cum-fairy-tale for adults, told by a verbose,…