Edinburgh Fringe

The biggest arts festival in the world.

The School of Night originated with the late Ken Campbell, among whose many accomplishments lay a remarkable…
It is very hard to see 4.48 Psychosis solely as a play. It is, and always has been, so much more than that. I…
Over the years, Edinburgh’s Traverse Theatre has become known as a Fringe Festival thorough-bred.
Fringe regulars will be aware of the pitfalls when choosing performances.
David Lean’s 1945 film Brief Encounter, starring Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard, received five Oscar…
Seeing the words ‘coming of age’ is usually a guarantee that I would give a production a body swerve.  Too…
The Fringe can go from glitter and glamour to paper and cardboard at the turn of a corner, but in the case of…
They are everywhere. And I have seen my fair share of them. So, when I spied a show in the Fringe guide…
All aboard for a magical realism mystery tour. Like all journeys it starts with a small step, but…
How to turn some 600 pages of print into a fast-paced piece of theatre? Answer; take two highly talented…
Thesp’s are known to like a drink, be it a little Dutch courage or the full Oliver Reed.
If ever a show illustrated that prodigious talent alone is not enough to create a top class show, this is it.
Molly Wobbly’s Tit Factory gives it to you up front. If you have any reaction to the title other than a…
Absorbing! ‘Some Small Love Story’ may have drawn inspiration from Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem ‘In memoriam’.
Producers, writers, actors are continually exploring what constitutes a theatrical experience and All That is…
Splendid way to pass a late afternoon at the Fringe with the young cast of the St Marylebone CE School…
It’s a cracker, for sure.
A cracking 45 minutes at the College of Art-this may be one of the shortest shows on The Fringe but this was…
Les Miserables had some image problems at the start of its life as the uninformed thought it would be a…
Don Juan has died and has gone to meet his maker, or rather the anti-maker, the Devil. We watch as Don Juan…