Absorbing! ‘Some Small Love Story’ may have drawn inspiration from Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem ‘In memoriam’.
Hold it true, whate’er befall; I feel it, when I sorry most;
‘Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all
This musical play is about two ordinary love stories that death has ended. An elderly couple separated after celebrating their golden wedding seen through the eyes of grandchildren and a first hand account of the early days of a young couple whose union is to end early in tragedy.
The show is presented by four actors in a straight line without movement apart from some telling hand movements. Despite this lack of physicality this piece retains your attention from beginning to end. It’s poignant and riveting throughout.
The actors at either end of the line play the young couple and deliver their lines rapidly and flawlessly without the benefit of eye contact. Glaswegian, David Kisopher-Brown and Veronica Hare must have rehearsed long and hard to get a confidence in each other that could have been likened to team members in an Olympic event. The young couple tell the story of the relationship developing stronger and happier together than they had been singles and the memories of that love as his life moves on.
The interaction between James McEwen and Serena Manteghi was different but they handled the sentimentality of the widower looking back on almost a lifetime of being part of a couple. It’s hard to believe that this is James’ professional debut because this is an assured performance.
Noreen Kershaw is a well-known actor from the North-West and has taken time away from directing episodes of ‘Coronation Street’ to bring this show to the Fringe.
The venue is hot, hot, hot so credit to all for focussing our attention throughout this one-hour show.
Show times
Til 27 Aug, 7.45pm
Ticket prices:
2 for 1 on 6th & 7th £9.50-£11.50