Molly Wobbly’s Tit Factory gives it to you up front. If you have any reaction to the title other than a guilty, immature chuckle then this is not the show for you. If you enjoy being transported into a world where gothic B-movies meet comic books then you’ve found the right place.
Enter the town of Little Happening with the mysterious clock stopping stranger, who arrives to enrich the dreary days of three stale couples who live on Mammary Lane through song, dance, high voltage camp and plastic surgery. Said stranger also looks like the love child of Kenneth Williams and a Troll, and possibly the influence of the judder man, played with mesmerising presence by Russell Morton.
Written and directed by Belfast composer Paul Boyd, this titillating musical is a brash comedy that takes a sardonic swipe at society’s obsession with flawless beauty and the perfect life.
This tale plays out like a cartoon sketch comedy with a dollop of dreamlike oddity, reflecting on perceptions we all make and the absurd situations we get ourselves into with gleeful delight and boasting. Plus taboo subjects are always better in song.
The romp pulls us along, offering windows of reflection into the characters, from recalling old embarrassments – The Minister’s Wife a particularly humourous highlight, perfectly showcasing the cringe of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time – to losing your inhibitions (the Vegas-esque Off My Chest is a real eye-opener).
It’s a self-deprecating exploration of humans; sexual desire, being caught up in self and rebuffing reality in favour of the hypothetically idealised world you create, the fabulously vulgar One Night Stand being a perfect example of wanting something then changing your mind three hours later.
The cast of eight sharply execute the witty, innuendo-riddled dialogue with delight, and Boyd’s compositions are catchy with just the right undertones of cleverly hilarious sentiment – the “money song” being Designed by Margaret Brown, delivered magnificently by Olivier-award winner Leanne Jones.
Sure the plot may sag south as all breasts inevitably will, but this is, quite simply, stupidly funny entertainment that will put a smile on your face. Paul Boyd’s programme note states he aimed to create a memorable musical that he hoped the audience would remember for years to come. It’s safe to say this show will stay with them for a long time… especially the cheeky ending.
Show times
Molly Wobbly’s Tit Factory is at The Assembly Rooms at 4.45pm daily until 26 Aug (no shows on 11 or 21 Aug)
Ticket prices
£15 (£12)