Last year’s performance in the same impressive Symposium Hall was fun and fairly obviously a first for an adventurous pair. Determined to be slightly different, their name High Heels and Horse Hair, comes from their eccentric choice of evening shoes. Neither were wearing matching shoes. Horse hair refers to the bow strings of their violin and cello.
This year, with different shoes again and based on green, theirs was a far more confident performance. They take turn about introducing their music and this year it was a mixture of Alice Rickard’s native Australian, and Sonia Cromarty’s Scottish.
The music was, by and large, fairly recent, although it started with Scottish Baroque. We enjoyed the world premier of the arrangement of Sarah Hopkins’ Reclaiming the Spirit.
Alice and Sonia gave us a very pleasing hour of violin and cello music, well played and well selected. But above all, their enthusiasm was infectious. See you again next year!
Event: 23 August 2011 at 5.15pm. Again on 26 August 2011 at 5.15pm