Edinburgh Fringe

The biggest arts festival in the world.

This beautifully pitched show about the real life swimming and dancing experiences of the two dancers, mother…
The Edinburgh Festival is the largest arts festival in the world. Every year the number of shows goes up and…
The Pleasance Grand is one of the biggest stages available during the Fringe and Flawless are one of the…
Storms seem to cause chaos – or maybe it goes further than that. Perhaps it’s not possible to accurately…
There was a packed Greyfriars Kirk for Coro Edina’s first performance at the Fringe. Just two works - Fauré’s…
In the blurb on his Edinburgh Fringe page, John Robins' show is described as "a show about stars, suitable…
Explosive, stunning, riveting just three words that sum up the ‘The Prodigals.
April Randall and Stephen Morrison are colleagues from Fife Council’s instrumental instruction service and…
Storytellers have always been our window on the past, the troubadours of history were welcomed at everybody’s…
I must start this review by declaring a conflict of interests: I decided to review Nick Gibb because I was…
To use an old sports commentating cliché, Australian Benny Boot's show is one of two halves.
Orville and Wilbur Wright stand like two overgrown schoolboys, sending paper aeroplanes out over the heads of…
This piece of work is a reflection of the works of Shakespeare in the lives and experiences of young people.
The first impression you get when you walk into Tara Flynn's musical comedy act, Big Noise, is the sheer…
The Ballet Ruse is an examination of the early lives of two ballerinas who went through the classical ballet…
With nothing more than a stark stage and the irresistible strains of the accordion playing a carousel version…
Maud Liardon is back on the Fringe after a break of 4 years. She's still clever, she's still mega talented…
With an increasingly aging population, many of whom will be suffering from long term and incurable illnesses…
Klaus-Dieter Holzberger, Director of Music at St Laurentius Church in Ahrweiler, returned after a gap of…
The Fringe has landed a fair number of shows about the pioneers of flight – “Mission of Flowers”, “The…