Klaus-Dieter Holzberger, Director of Music at St Laurentius Church in Ahrweiler, returned after a gap of several years to give an hour long organ recital intended, as the programme announced, to have a humourous touch. It was certainly an inspired and unusual programme. And, of course, most of us watched the organist high up from our seats on the dais - where on a Sunday the Minister presides.
He began with the three movements of Bach’s Concerto in G (BWV592) and two more Bach works. John Stanley’s Voluntary in A seemed a slower and more innocent work, but livened up. The fun came with six Ecossaises from Beethoven - sheer delight. Batiste’s Offertoire in C and Lefébure-Wély’s Boléro de concert were lively, and prepared us for Benjamin Britten’s March, Canzonetta and Tirolese from Soirées Musicales.
In her opening welcome, Brigitte Harris, the Director of Music at St Andrew’s and St George’s West and whose training in Germany almost coincided with the guest organist’s, had warned us of her apprehension over the Benjamin Britten. She had the task of turning the pages because this work was written for two pianos. There was indeed a tiny fumble but nobody minded and the organist played on.
Klaus-Dieter Holzberger finished with Suite 1 of Antiche Danze ed Arie by Ottorino Respighi. He enjoyed the well deserved applause. What is more, the special connection between his church in Germany and St Andrew’s and St George’s West continues in every confidence.
Event: Wednesday 10 August 2011, 4.30pm