There is always a moment of trepidation before attending a free show in Edinburgh during August. It's a risk we all take - the chance that you will be left awkwardly grinning in front of a truly dire comic hangs over your head as you walk through to what is ususally a cupboard of a venue. It's very important to note, however, that The Silky Pair's show, 'Jealous People' is a show which dispells these worries immediately.
From the outset, the double-act seems right at home in front of the audience, spilling over with a wonderfully relatable, yet silly set of sketches, including a pair of foreign correspondents with relationship problems, a couple of balloon salespeople struggling with a helium addiction and some very thin-skinned women who seem to be surrounded by... jealous people.
Their jokes are consistenly winners and their songs are well-crafted little gems too. Their humour covers relationships, insecurities and the trouble with landlords - and they have the audience laughing along with an ease and charm which would be impressive even for more seasoned performers.
The stage they have to work with is tiny, but they make the best of it with professionalism. Their performances are instantly likable and they interact with the audience brilliantly.
In short, The Silky Pair's show is a jaw-achingly funny show, full of charm, music, and fun. They are natural performers and they belong in the Fringe as much as any of the paid shows you might be able to see. I would advise you see them now before you find them in the Teviot building charging 8 quid for entry - though if they were, they'd still be totally worth it.
Show Times: Till 28 Aug (not 24), 18:30
Tickets: Free