Die Hard has become an iconic movie: our hero John McClane versus the evil villain Hans Gruber (portrayed in the film by Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman). It is set at Christmas (there is a whole debate among fans about whether it counts as a ‘Christmas’ movie or not) and is ultimately about how one man does what he can to save his wife and his marriage. Interwoven into this parody and fairly detailed demonstrations of excerpts from the film, is the story of the performer’s initial meeting with the love of his life, their relationship and then too their difficulty in marriage and how it was resolved. The love of Die Hard is the common thread.
This is a cleverly written piece and subtly challenges us to think about John McClane differently, how we consider real life relationships, expectations and the male need to be the hero, rather than simply a partner. Darrel Bailey gives a full, entertaining and fun performance. He has the ability to talk about difficult subjects and still make it feel light-hearted, yet entirely believable.
His physicality when performing the Die Hard scenes is full octane and lively, taking you right into the film. When he talks through the relationship and all its challenges, the audience is right there with him, such is his gentle skill of drawing us all in.
This show feels lighter than it really is in what it explores. A show for all (even non-Die Hard fans!). Good fun that will leave you feeling like there is hope in getting over life’s challenges no matter what they may be.
Show Time: 3-27 August (not 9, 16, 23) @ 17:45
Gilded Balloon @ the Museum
Ticket Prices: £15-£17
Accessible entry: Level access to front row of seating. Seating is then ranked so any other rows are accessible via steps. Wheelchair access type: Level Access (Building Lift) Age: 14+ (Guideline)