
Given the maelstrom of disinformation and growing tension on the world stage, this year’s
A few years ago, the actor, Juliet Stevenson suggested that future productions of ‘The Merchant of Venice’
Founded in 1947, Varna International Ballet, Bulgaria is currently touring the UK from Jan
Stepping into the world of Swamplesque is the perfect idea if you are in the mood for an excentric night ou
The legendary ‘King’s Theatre’ Pantomime,  (temporarily staged at the Festival Theatre), once again adapts
Piracy is a formidable ol’ career.
Outgoing Fringe Society Chief Executive Shona McCarthy has reiterated her message that the Fringe, and the
Tennessee Williams’ metaphor-packed fable on the human condition is a much admired and perennially performe
Long ago, in the year of our Lord, 326AD, a great prophet is leader of the Nephite people in ancient Upstat
A spooky Haunted House experience and dark-tour of Barnton Bunker--Scotland's largest nuclear bunker-- all in…
The BAFTA winning TV series, ‘Peaky Blinders’ ran from 2013 to 2022 developing a cult following for its gri
The publication of Knots & Crosses by Ian Rankin in 1987 introduced Inspector John Rebus, one
Sir Ian Rankin is the award-winning, bestselling writer of over thirty novels worldwide an
From the first moments of the opening scene where the 16-strong cast of young people are pictured swaying t
Kara Wilson has a passion for combining her professional talents as actor, writer and artist.
Buckle up for a rather bumpy and chaotic flight with Fresh !nk Airways from Heathrow to Los Angeles.  The t
“But when I came unto my beds,      With hey, ho, the wind and the rain, 
The atmosphere is beautifully set in Chamberlain: Peace in Our Time as we are led into the play by Michael
At the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2022, Ottawa Little Theatre staged a contemporary ghost story, ‘Burn’ by J
Luka is looking to take steps to change his life.