Edinburgh Fringe

The biggest arts festival in the world.

As the publicity people might say, "If you liked Friends, then you'll probably like Edges," a musical with a…
Take two red-nosed clowns, a chair, a wee stage and a box of vegetables and you’ve got the mad set of…
A single woman looks back on her life, and reveals a very special, hidden talent
Fame is always a safe bet when trying to choose a good musical, and this abridged version did not disappoint.
It’s 32°c in Ithaca, and as one of the characters in Enda Walsh’s imagining of Odysseus’ return observes "…
Martin Creed won the prestigious Turner Prize in 2001 for “The Lights Going On and Off (work 227).”  As well…
Grandpa Fredo has sadly been dead for quite some time – he’s being preserved in dry ice by his grieving…
It’s a packed house for Wolf.
This one woman show narrates the story of a Canadian girl’s visit to London when invited to take part in a…
It's a quirky micro-festival in a home in Pilrig, in North central Edinburgh. A fringe of a Fringe event. Not…
Liszt’s transcriptions of three Schubert songs on the Yamaha piano started the recital by Akiko Okamoto.
In 2009 the Beijing Film Academy brought an acclaimed multimedia production of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer…
Nina Conti has probably done more to revitalise ventriloquism as a great performance art than anyone else in…
The Secret Garden is an oasis of tranquillity from the raucous side of the fringe in terms of its music, if…
Another potentially Famous Five but ‘Fresher’ is certainly not Enid Blyton. The show opens with five students…
Toby Hadoke has somehow managed to find time to watch TV while touring his long-running hit show “Moths Ate…
It’s a brave decision to review a play entitled “Death of a Theatre Critic” especially when the leading actor…
Tiger Lillies. The name sums up what they are - a sharp combination of danger and sweetness.
Advice to reviewers usually includes "avoid clichés like the Plague".
In the afternoon of Tuesday 12th January 2010 a magnitude 7 earthquake devastated Haiti. There were already…