I have to admit, the first ticket I tried to get my hands on when this year’s Fringe kicked off was Charles Ross’s One Man Lord Of The Rings. It had slipped from my grasp in previous years for various reasons, but not this time! It’s mine! My Own! My precious!
Okay, it’s all very geeky, sad, perhaps even a little bit scary to the casual observer, but I don’t care.
I’ve watched all the movies back to back (extended editions, of course). I quote them in times of need ("even the smallest of persons can change the course of the future"). Hell, I’ve even read the books (I know! There’s a shocker!).
Tonight, though, is all about the movies. One Man. Three epics. One hour. On your marks. Get set. Go!
Mr Ross rattles through the movies with breakneck pace and razor sharp humour. How he manages to survive this single hour with the amount of energy that he puts in is beyond me. It’s exhausting just watching him.
If you are one of those unfortunate individuals who has never seen these movies, then the whole experience would be pretty pointless. It’s so fast and sporadic, that even hardened fans need to focus in order to keep up.
But why, you might ask, would you go to a show called One Man Lord Of The Rings if you’ve have never watched the films? I don’t know. But such people were present at the auditorium tonight, much to the shock of the majority.
There were a couple of occasions where the atmosphere soured. Some aggravating and senseless souls near the front row began aiming their mobile phones at the stage which, rightly, angered the performer and he focused this fury upon them. I’m fairly certain mobile phones are to be turned off once in the theatre. Yes?
Other than that, this is a very entertaining evening performed expertly by someone who clearly loves the source material. A must for any Lord Of The Rings fan. Now, bring on The Hobbit this December!
Show times
Aug 20th, 22nd, 24th & 26th
20th & 22nd: 20:55, £15.00 (£14.00)
24th & 26th: 20:55, £16.00 (£15.00)