Having watched clips on YouTube of Sarah Millican over the last year, I have never been more excited to go and see a stand up live.
The rain was beating down as I stood in the queue at the Stand One – waiting with a quiet air of anticipation – and as I made my way inside to what can only be described as a very intimate setting my excitement was hard to contain. I felt lucky to have gotten a seat in The Stand – a venue I had never been in – and although people were made to move to make a fire exit, this became full again in a matter of seconds.
Millican was dressed casually, holding a pint of water, not the usual pint of beer that many comics seem to have with them as they take to the stage. Calling her show Chatterbox is possibly one of the more fitting titles for any show. Over the next sixty minutes, Millican regaled the packed out room with stories of her journeys to Australia, family, boyfriend and insights into the life in which she lives now.
Despite being all over the world, Millican has never lost her Geordie roots, the accent merely extenuates the funny, as she comes across like an excited young girl talking about her extreme love of cake and chocolate.
Millican’s humour is not boisterous or in your face. It’s much more subtler than that, picking up on the daily life insecurities which we all have and pointing out how extremely funny day to day life can be.
The interaction she has with a crowd is top notch – it was like being at a party where all eyes were on her because the party would have been dull without it and rightly so – as the laughs didn’t stop from beginning to end.
I urge you to see this woman live, her quick, sharp and sometimes innocent comedy is deftly crafted and her clear urge to please a crowd through laughter is infectious. Sarah Millican may be a big Chatterbox, but I certainly wouldn’t want to see it any other way.
Show times
Till 29 Aug, 8.20pm
Ticket Prices