Shoppers of the world are being asked to put down their carrier bags on what is traditionally one of the busiest shopping weekends of the year, put up their feet and/or do something fun and free for the annual Buy Nothing Day.
Buy Nothing Day was conceived of by Adbusters magazine - the same organisation that was the catalyst in 2011 for the global Occupy Movement, which included Occupy Edinburgh. BYD was set up with the aim of concentrating minds on what life might be like if we live with smaller ecological footprints.
"Buy Nothing Day is where you challenge yourself, your family and friends to switch off from shopping and tune into life. The rules are simple, for 24 hours you will detox from buying stuff - anyone can take part provided they spend a day without spending!" states the Buy Nothing Day (UK) website.
"Instead of shopping, people around the world will take part in a 24 hour moratorium on consuming, either as a personal experiment or public statement."
For some Buy Nothing Day is a reminder that there are alternatives to door-crashing shops for Black Friday Deals, like re-gifting, repairing, agreeing among family and friends to use only previously used or home-made goods, and if nothing else shopping more responsibly for Christmas gifts by avoiding plastic and unnecessary waste.
Adbusters suggests combating the "Shopocalypse" with zombie walks to shopping centres, credit-card cutting parties, "whirl mart" actions, which is where a group of people endlessly drive empty shopping trolleys around the aisles in a conga line, and sharing Christmas-present exemption certificates.