Little Voice is that rare kind of celebrity. So rare, in fact, that I’m not truly convinced that they…
Billy has
Ella Hickson’s new play for Grid Iron Theatre Company has considerable ambition, taking us into some pretty…
This latest production from Leith based theatre company, Siege Perilous, is the result of the company’s 2011…
A flawed but overall enjoyable experience Alan Ayckbourn's dark comedic drama about coming to terms with the…
Introducing children to the delights of Shakespeare can be a disappointing, even dismal, experience.
To ‘take someone’s path away’ is how Alison Peebles describes the reality of being diagnosed with and…
Born into a working class family in Leeds in 1929, Keith Waterhouse became a fine novelist and newspaper…
First Reading of a new play about the life of Belle Stewart, a cultural icon, and Scottish Traditional…
Launch event for Black Dingo Productions, a new Edinburgh theatre production company.
The premiere of “The Phantom of the Opera” by Andrew Lloyd Webber was in October 1986 starring Michael…
Michel Tremblay’s play Les Belles-Soeurs, about a woman who wins a million Green Shield stamps and who calls…
It is truly a wonderful thing when the promise of a performance chimes perfectly with its reality.
The Traverse Theatre is seeking fifty playwrights for a year-long attachment as part of a project to mark the…
The first Scottish Women’s Health Fair in 1983 saw women coming together from across Scotland to explore…
With a toothy grin, a knowing nod and a wink and a little ukulele in his hand, George Formby (played by Ewan…
As reveille sounds and the Stars and Stripes whips around the flagpole, we join Captain Thomas Morton…
Welcome to the mechanised age; the spirit of a new era is upon us. At least that’s the buzz that’s going…