
After the success of hit shows, Cats, Evita and Jesus Christ Superstar, the idea for Starlight Express began…
Anthropomorphising is a little lost on me at the best of times and I confess that the appeal of Peppa Pig and…
Set in New York, the show follows four individuals who are trying to find themselves and their" big picture…
Tenement life.  That peculiar separate-closeness; the strange mixture of hugger-mugger living and the real…
The pale corporation - green tiles of the cold stark set of a psychiatric ward already made for a chilling…
Eugene Ionesco was a Romanian dramatist who made Paris his home.  He was one of the theatrical…
A memory from les evenements (the term is used advisedly) in Tahrir Square. A young woman, smartly dressed,…
This year's Edinburgh Fringe promises “more artists performing more work, in more venues, than ever before…
The penultimate play in this season’s A Play, A Pie and A Pint  series of writing from the Arab world is a…
Actors’ Touring Company (ATC) is committed to producing quality international contemporary theatre, using “……
‘Translation is always a form of treachery’. Perhaps. Yet it may be an unavoidable treachery. Dogstar’s The…
I was recently sent an article written by theatre critic Irving Wardle from the magazine Intelligent Life,…
A cold, wet evening in May (aye, May) is not the best atmosphere for being at the wrong venue for a launch. …
In this latest in the A Play, A Pie and A Pint series from the Arab world, we have a story from Damascene…
Interwoven events from the past and present blend together in this touching black comedy.
Plutôt la Vie is a Scottish touring theatre company, founded in 2003 by Tim Lacata and Ian Cameron. Both have…
 "Cavale has kidnapped Slim off the streets with an old .45 (she wants to make him a rock-and-roll star) but…
The set of this new production from Andy Manley, Rob Evans and macrobert, Mikey and Addie, looks like the…
Audience participation is often an integral part of children’s theatre, but this performance took interaction…
Dressed in flat cap and corduroys, the precise and tidy Frank (Luke Walker) inhabits the safe and ordered…